Practice System
Easy Exam Preparation

Upload questions independently, AI generates question banks, intelligent weakness supplement, practice your future.

BestPrep first screen

Efficient Exam Preparation Tool

A highly efficient learning tool designed for students and exam takers.

Extensive Question Bank

Supports uploading custom questions, AI-generated questions, and bulk importing. Provides a rich question bank covering various exam subjects to help students prepare comprehensively.

Smart Practice

Leverages a proprietary recommendation algorithm powered by large language models to intelligently suggest practice questions, focusing on weak areas for targeted improvement.

Real-Time Analysis

Offers AI-powered explanations based on large language models, providing detailed analysis to help users understand and master each question.

Study Report

Generate personalized study reports, track learning progress, and recommend suitable questions, study materials, and learning plans based on your performance.

Mistake Notebook and Favorites

Automatically add incorrect questions to a mistake notebook for easy review and reflection. Users can also save important questions to their favorites for quick access.

Online Mock Exams

Provide an online simulation exam environment to help users adapt to the exam atmosphere in advance. It also allows users to take mock exams anytime, anywhere, to assess their learning outcomes.

Download BestPrep Now

Say goodbye to the tedious exam preparation, providing you with the most professional exam question service, making your exam preparation easier and helping you improve your scores quickly.
